Thursday, November 16, 2023

11-11 update

Life continues to be rich and full here in Enoughsville -- so full, so rich, in fact, that my November 11 family letter got stuck in between a math meeting and a long hike, and I'm only now pulling it out and sending it on its way.  It's too bad this update is late, too, because I so love the numerical alliteration of the date "11/11", that I had prepared some fun-one-pun (or maybe, "time for a rhyme") titles for my updates.  In the better-late-than-never mode, I share these updates with you now!

(Actually, this photo I didn't rhyme:  "salute from a galoot"?  "I met a Vet"?  This is OfSnough, dressed for honor guard duty, assisting in local memorial services of other veterans.  He looks spiffy, and I am proud that he continues serving our community this way).

Run in the Sun:  

For all that is problematic about the clocks changing twice a year, I love that all of a sudden, I'm running in daylight again.  I know this happens at the expense of my husband's late-afternoon bike rides, which are now plunged into darkness, and I do feel bad for him (really, I do!), but I also appreciate having the early morning streets visible as I head out to run with my friends.  

Note that I vote!

I don't have a photo of me voting,
so I'll use Gosling as a stunt double.

I like that, on election days, I can swing by my polling place right after I serve breakfast at the nearby soup kitchen.  Also, Inkling worked as usual at the polls.  

A lovely quill (ball point) pen that Inking 
shares with voters at her polling station.
"I had a very early morning -- it's election day! . . . This was just after 6am"

Now look! Cow book!

Three views of the same book. 
Also: bracelet, mini cow greeting card, and plastic cow figurine.

The Little Farm Library had a lovely new addition.  It's a cloth-covered foam book, perfectly suitable for chewing by small children.  (Question:  Why is a toy cow like a key ring?  Answer (from any toddler):  Because they both go in your mouth!)

I think it's adorable that my little library has a book -- and that it's a cow book.  How suitable!

Meeting and Greeting

I took a bunch of students last Saturday to the local math meetings, where (but of course) a good time was had by all.  By the time I got home, I admit I was too zonked to send this out.  The next day, one of my good friends organized a hike for about two dozen women through a local nature preserve.  It was a fabulous day for a hike. 
Overlooking the river below. 

Me and my buddy: our shadows.

Picture, Figure, and Diagram don't have good rhymes

But actually, these are how I'm really spending my days.  I've been on a roll making diagrams for a project that an engineer and I have been banging our heads against for almost four years now.  All of a sudden, the log jam that's been blocking us seems to have burst, and the ideas are just whooshing forth!  (Wait; do "log jam" and "diagram" rhyme? Hmmm).  At any rate, sometimes working on a paper is a bit of torture, and sometimes it's as addictive as video games or a good book.  This past week has been the latter for me: I sit down in the morning to pull together a few pictures, and the next thing I know it's 5 pm and I need to start packing up so I can head home to see my husband and dog.  
A diagram I made:  What's really sucking up all my days.

And that's the (late, but still great) news you can use from our family, which continues to be healthy and wealthy.  Hope that's true for you, too!

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Update, somewhere in January

By now, I'm kind of losing track of which day is which . . . ironic, because of spending so much time on and off of train tracks.  So I...