Saturday, October 7, 2023

Enough of an update

Life continues to be rich and full here in Enoughsville.  The week started out warm and sunny; a rainstorm elbowed its way in toward the end of the week; what was left when the storm blew out again feels a heck of a lot like fall. The acorns are everywhere.

    G and I had a great time gathering acorns last weekend.

He kept saying he was almost done,
and then kept picking more and more and more.

Honestly, when I started this sabbatical I was a bit worried that I'd be kind of isolated and lonely, but instead I find that I'm bopping from one event to another, and my days feel like they're full of good stuff.   My friends and acquaintances are getting to the point of feeling stressed by too-much-too-do-all-at-once, a feeling that has been quite familiar to me, but that's not how I feel now.  As in the past, I find that my daily to-do lists are longer than my days, but now it's more like heading to a buffet with more delicious food than I have actually eat:  I do a lot of fun stuff, and then I save the rest of the fun stuff as leftovers for the next day.

I have, for example, four or five different math research projects going.  Three of those are with other people -- an engineer from a nearby university and two undergraduates.  So I get to chat with my colleagues several times a week about fun math stuff, and I also get to read and write about my own individual projects; it's a great blend of social and quiet time.   And there's still time in the week leftover for
  • giving blood,
  • serving breakfast at the local soup kitchen,
  • going to campus talks,
  • reading Spanish stories and attending class,
  • attending a meet-and-greet party with a friend,
  • going to the theater to see Something Rotten, and
  • visiting the art gallery where a friend is displaying aMAZing quilts she's made.
Here are some updates from the rest of the family.  One evening, when my husband served up dinner, I looked at the food on the table and a warm glow came over me.

Me:  Aw, you cooked brown rice instead of white rice.  You must really love me.

Him:  We're out of white rice.

So, there's that.  Also, my guy and Inkling went to New York where she got to see theater and knit, and I made a bit of a collage of the photos she sent back.  

Meanwhile in NYC ... the show last night was fantastic! And in true Io fashion, I made a friend 😆 Emily had the seat next to me and if she lived closer than California I think we would be friends for real

(PS the toy soldier is holding my sock-in-progress)

And then after the show I went to the stage door and got to (briefly) meet Daniel Radcliffe 🤯

Instead of taking a self with him or having him sign my program, I asked him to hold my sock (you know, like I do)

He was lovely (and it's blurry because my hands were shaking)

When her sisters asked what D. R. thought about holding the sock (Gosling noted, "I would love to know how many times Daniel gets asked to hold a half-knit sock"), she added

He certainly seemed surprised by it, so I'd assume it's a pretty rare occurrence

Kinderling also sent along some photos of her latest creative project.  She pulled together a lovely farewell party for the dog that's been staying at her house.

K: Pupcorn, puppachino's, dog treats, puppy chow and a farewell Wynnie sign. Treats for goodbye presents:)

Oh ya, and pupperoni and cheese bones

K: Something small. Gotta make it fun for the kiddos. They're going to miss her so much.

Gosling: Can Wynnie come back for visits?

K: I hope so! She was fun :)  

Achild will miss her most, which is why I wanted to throw a party. Figured if we ended on a fun note, it might help. She was really attached to Wynnie. Maybe when (or, if... big IF) things settle down we can add a pup but NOT now hah

And speaking of dogs, Prewash enjoys her time on the porch during these warm days.  She continues to have quite a fan club: sometimes people will call her name from half a block away, there are two different bearded men who make a point of sweet talking her and getting dog kisses, there are a host of children who ask for cheerios (which I keep on the porch) to feed to her, and the college students make a point of walking down our block on their way into and out of the city so they can pet her while she wiggles her whole body at them.  It's quite nice having such a goodwill ambassador in the house.

And that's the early October news from our family, which continues to be wealthy in our adventures.  May you and yours be similarly prosperous.

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Update, somewhere in January

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