Saturday, November 19, 2022

Prime cheese dogs (three update topics)

Life continues to be rich and full here in Enoughsville.  Today we get to celebrate that Nelson is in his prime!  [ --> math nerd joke <--]  Happy Birthday, Nelson!

Little C-child is not yet in her prime, but she is nonetheless already starting along a good math trajectory.  If you give her a logic puzzle, she doesn't panic; she just closes her eyes and asks for a minute to think.

"One moment, please . . . "

And if you give her an addition or subtraction problem, she can count things out on her fingers.
One, two, um . . . 

Not about math or birthdays, but in the middle of this week, Gosling started a conversation about . . . well, about a sign she'd seen.  

"With dad having done some recent travel in France..."

And the family launched in with gusto:
Me:  I'm sure that pun hadn't oc-curd to him. No whey!
Kinderling:  How cheesey. ;)
Gosling: O lol you guys! You can do cheddar than that?
OfSnough:  E-dam good pun!
Inkling:  You feta believe it!
OfSnough:  A Gouda time
Inkling:  dad, are you traveling with someone? Or are you Provolone?
OfSnough:Do I Hav-arti with me?
Sizzling: Okay, this topic stinks 😉
Inkling:  Don't be Bleu .. I'm sure we'll change topics eventually
"Okay, family: time to cut that out."

Right, ho.  So let's return to family news.  

Achild and Bchild came over for an evening that let their parents celebrate a wonderful anniversary.  It was clear that these kiddos need to come over more often, because Bchild spent the first part of the evening bossily distraught by Prewash.  The dog would look in her general direction, and she'd command "STOP IT".   

By the end of the evening, however, she'd come over to being super comfortable and happily attached to her furry companion.  
Pretending to lick the pan with Prewash
(and then laughing hilariously)

Snagging doggie rides.  
(They both moved so fast it was hard to get a good pic).

As for me, I did NOT give or grade calculus midterms this week, so that opened up vast swaths of space and time, comparatively.  I got to visit my dad and his wife, watch grandkids, go to a dance concert with Inkling, think about mathematics, and "Get Sturdy" (dance) with my students.  Here's a 15-second video: my favorite part is how the other student (the one filming) loses it at the end.

Life is good.  

And that's the news from our family, which continues to be wealthy in our advencheese.  May you and yours be similarly prosperous.

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Update, somewhere in January

By now, I'm kind of losing track of which day is which . . . ironic, because of spending so much time on and off of train tracks.  So I...