Sunday, July 3, 2022

Enoughing it with travel, plus stress painting

Life continues to be rich and full in Enoughsville. Much of my family has been rich and full with going places (not me, so much, but I'm getting vicarious travel experiences, which is fine for me).  

The farthest flung is OfSnough, of course.  My guy called me from a train heading from Germany to Lyons this morning (his evening). Flights within Europe keep getting canceled, so he's having a hard time getting back to Rome, where he's supposed to eventually hop on a plane to come back stateside early next week. He loves trains, and he loves adventure, so having both as he is racing to catch an airplane is almost certainly making him very happy.

Also far away, but not quite so far, Nelson called me, and he's doing well.  He is living my dream life right now, working in a Salvation Army – but not just any Salvation Army: a Salvation Army "by the Pound" store, which of all the kinds of thrift shops so-called thrift shops that I will visit, is by far my favorite kind. And Sizzling corroborated his report of general happiness by taking a photo, while they were traveling out and about with him.

Badly's BBQ and the Elko car races!

Inkling, too, has been moving about, and sent a long, lovely update (although item "C" comes with a frownie face).

Hey Mama! 

I wanted to give you an email update on my recent adventures. You're welcome to pick and choose from it for  the family update.

A. I went square dancing for the first time in 3 years! The Square Dance National Convention was in Evansville, Indiana and I had a great time. It was wonderful to see my friends again and be dancing again 😊. I didn't take enough pictures, but I never do. 
Pictures I do have: 
1.arriving in Evansville 
2. Evansville needs more trees
3. Dance buddy (Ray)
4. More dance friends (the Zev family)
5. Good at following instructions
Note: instructions say, "Hug Here -->"

B. After I got home from Nationals, I had a bit less fun and did test positive for Covid. (This was not a surprise to me and makes me feel good about my decision to not go dancing before now.) I had an uncomfortable week, but I believe I'm well on my way to recovery. (No more fever, stuffy head, body aches, or general blah feeling 👍)

C. While I was home with Covid, the chorus had its end-of-season/Goodbye Jonathan party, which I did not attend. But Mary was kind enough to pick up my farewell/thank you gift and deliver it to our beloved Director, and take pics for me. (Img 6+7)

Inkling knitted this blanket herself, naturally. 

D. Yesterday was kickoff day for the Tour De Fleece, so I'm hoping to do a bunch of spinning this month (no pics yet.)

And that's the adventures from this daughter. I love you bunches and hope you've been having almost as much fun (and less illness)


I have had rather different kinds of adventures, some of which I can't go into here.  One amusing piece of mail I got was from the American Mathematical Society, telling me about royalties from a book I published decades ago:

Attached, please find your 2021 royalty statement(s). We apologize for the delay in processing royalties this year. The AMS has experienced unprecedented staff shortages related to the ongoing pandemic. If any payment is due, and we have your bank information on file, you may expect a bank transfer into your account shortly. Paper checks will be mailed out shortly.

And here is a snapshot of the royalty statement that apparently I've been biting my nails to get my hands on: 

Just think how much I could buy at the "by the pound" store with $12.13!

What else?   I found a couch out at the curb the other day.  The frame (etc) wasn't at all of interest to me, but the cushions looked nice and they were much firmer than the cushions we have on our 30-year-old couch from, I think, the "This End Up" store. 

One problem with getting nicer looking cushions than we've had for a while is that they make the wooden frame look old and beat up, although that might possibly be because the wooden frame is old and beat up. So, a week ago, I sanded it down, and then, at 3:14 on Saturday I was painting the couch (frame only, not the cushions).
I actually in my head called it "stress painting",  and if I do say so myself, painting a couch blue is a very enjoyable way of dealing with stress. 

I think it came out nicely! Huzzah for neighbors willing to share their couch cushions, for belt sanders, and for cans of blue furniture paint!

And that's the news from our family, which continues to be wealthy in our adventures. May you and yours be similarly prosperous.

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Update, somewhere in January

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