Sunday, February 27, 2022

Suits and tutus, a bit late

Life continues to be rich and full here in Enoughsville.  The week kicked off beautifully, with Nelson sending me a photo that shows he fills out his suit quite nicely.  Yes!  What a handsome brother-sister team he and Sizzling make!

Not to be left behind in the costuming area, I jumped at the chance to join my friends in celebrating Tuesday 2/22/22 wearing [yes] tutus!

OfSnough did a bit of traveling this week (as is his wont).   Midweek, he went to Philly for a gathering in support of Ukranians (see all the blue and yellow flags?)
And later this week, he went to Virginia for an engineering gathering, where they discussed even bigger gatherings in November. 

Inkling had a lovely week at work.  In previous weeks, customers coming into the yarn shop where she works had been a bit snarky and tetchy about the store's mask requirement, but this week, people seemed much more agreeable, and the mood all around just seemed cheerier.  She is also very (very) much looking forward to an upcoming trip to see four Broadway shows in one weekend:  Moulin Rouge, Six, Phantom of the Opera, and Something-Else-I-wrote-down-in-another-room-but-forgot-for-now.  [update: it's "Come From Away".]

Me, I had a challenging week as Dean.  Short version: some people I like are resigning, a program I want to support is officially getting circumscribed into a smaller box, we're scrambling to figure out how to deal with curricular enrollment something-or-others, and I found yet another area in which I'm not particularly good at politics.  

There are also many areas that *are* going well, and for that I'm super thankful.  There's a bunch of research-grant-admin stuff that I'm working on that is both fun and productive.  I'm teaching a half-credit class which seems to be really helping the students.  I'm leading a faculty-staff show (because, apparently, I don't have enough other things to do in my life), and that's a huge happiness boost.   

Still, between the challenging and the going well, there is so very much going on that I'm finding it a bit hard to keep up.   Hence, the later-than-usual family update.  

At any rate, that's the news from our family, which continues to be wealthy in our adventures.  Stay safe, all. 

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Update, somewhere in January

By now, I'm kind of losing track of which day is which . . . ironic, because of spending so much time on and off of train tracks.  So I...