Sunday, October 1, 2023

Update with Pirates interspersed

 Life continues to be rich and full here in Enoughsville.  I've been traveling so much that I didn't have access to internet when I had down time, and I haven't actually had much down time, so all of the news that I've wanted to share keeps piling up and up . . . and it's hard to even know where to start.  Organizing photos is especially tricky while the internet goes in and out on me, so I think I'm just going to take things in order of the way my computer plopped the pictures into this update . . . which means that this will be a bumpy catch-up of a ride.   

You ready?  Here goes . . . 

Jason came back for dinner, the first time (I think?) since 2019.  Man, I've missed that guy, and it was good to see him.

His forehead is not injured; that's a Pirate eye patch.
(More on pirates later).
Inkling is delighted that the weather is cooling.  It's hat weather, finally!   Let us show off . . . 
Also, the Rhinebeck sweater is well underway.

In the middle of last week, we hosted our annual Pirate Dinner.  I had lots and lots of fun making this year's Pirate cake.  The more I do it, the easier it gets to create it, while still leaving room for fun variations.

For example, this year the "Pirate ship cake pan" (also more familiarly known as a "pinched ice cream carton") sprung a leak.  If it were a real pirate ship, this could have been a disaster, but on a chocolate cake pirate ship, it's an island where we can bury treasure.

About the same time that we were celebrating Pirate lore, Gosling and Colin were celebrating for other reasons:

"Happy Gotcha Day, Nova"

And photos of a scurvy dog take us back to the Pirate celebrations, of course.  Every time I travel, my dog Prewash misses me terribly; my husband tells me she even whines. (She's mostly noiseless when I'm around).

Well, it turns out that while my husband was gone for several weeks, our car missed him as much as my dog misses me.  It got what we call "the triangle of death": a red triangle with an exclamation point in the middle.  Maybe that symbol is taken from a Pirate swear word; I don't know.  Fortunately, when my husband returned and started actually driving the car around again (instead of waving to it from the sidewalk, as I tend to do), it recovered.  Apparently it just wants attention to keep its battery charged up.  (Right, Prewash?)

Unfortunately, my guy realized the car was overdue for an inspection sticker, and the garage that subsequently inspected it declared it needed $3K of work . . . more than the actual current street value of the car.  We decided to fork the money over, and fortunately, the fixes not only brought the car up to snuff inspection-wise, but also eliminated a BUNCH of annoying noise the car had been making.  So that's been quite an adventure.  

And then somebody found a bird's nest.  Let me look back through the text messages to remember who that was . . . 

Oh!  It's Inkling's!  It's in the rosebush I got her. 

At any rate, the dogs are happy about gotcha day or bird's nests or fixed cars . . . whatever it is we're talking about now.  It's good to be sedate.

Or to kick people! Under some circumstances, going around kicking people is good, too.  Achild demonstrates below.  
At  her first session of Tae Kwon Do.

So, anyway, Pirates.  Yeah.  We had a great treasure hunt, starting with clues that mysteriously appeared in my wall safe.  My young friend G came with his mom, and even though this was his mom's first time in our home, she ended up being the first to finish her treasure hunt and find the buried treasure.

Also, Ofsnough got his hearing aids!  I don't have photos of those, but it feels like if I had, they would have wound up right about here, so I'll just say it now, serving the information up like it's a slice of pirate cake . . .

And also, I got my flu shot,
and my dentist says my teeth are in fine shape.

After all this, I went to my high school reunion, and visited my dad, and then took a train to Atlanta and a shuttle from there to Alabama, along the way meeting up with former students and sometimes their kids.  

I apparently am very bad at taking photos of the people I'm with (I hope that means I'm relatively good at paying attention to them, instead), so I guess that's enough photos for now.   As I write this, I'm on the train heading back home, where I'll get to see my guy again, and then Prewash, and I know I'll be too busy to write, so I'll just post now, and try to catch up on other stuff later.

So for now, that's the news from our family, which continues to be wealthy in our adventures.  May you and yours be similarly prosperous.

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Update, somewhere in January

By now, I'm kind of losing track of which day is which . . . ironic, because of spending so much time on and off of train tracks.  So I...