Saturday, August 12, 2023

A moving (so to speak) update

Our lives continue to be rich and full of movement here in ol' Enoughsville.  Nelson has the biggest moves this week, as he's moved homes!  

I asked if he could send photos, and he happily whipped them right back at me.

Lots of closet space --
and wooden hangers, which I'd love!

This blue room of Nelson's looks quite soothing to me.  

It's harder to see, but the moves on this kid below are pretty awesome, too:  Gosling says, We went to see trampled by turtles on Saturday night... they are an American bluegrass and folk band from Duluth, MN.
One of their well known and fast paced songs was played toward the end of the concert, it's called, Wait So Long. Elery was having a blast dancing!
Shake it!

Another kid was moving product more than moving her body.  

"Achild wanted a lemonade stand, so we made one.
 Fresh squeezed lemons, home made simple syrup"

And moving from drink to food leads to this beautiful picture that Kindering shared.

Made focaccia tonight

I didn't make focaccia, but I did get the means to make food in a whole new (to us) way: we now are the happy owners of an induction stovetop.  

My husband:  "You must be feeling a range of emotions".
Me: "I feel radiant, in fact.
 It's a good thing for a mathematician to have an induction stove."

The stove and the new 220 electrical hook-up cost a pretty penny (dang; I should have installed the circuit breaker and electrical line myself!), but I lucked out and found a lovely set of matching saucepans -- the kind my magnet stuck to -- in various sizes in one of our local so-called thrift stores.  So between those and our assortment of cast iron frying pans, we are well stocked . . . [heh heh, stock]!

As for other aspects of my life, my ride back from the math meetings was much more pleasant (and placid) than the ride there.  Once I got back, I jumped into a project I hadn't been planning on, but that MathFest -- and my fave people there -- inspired me into: to apply for a Fulbright grant to Panama.  Fortunately, I still have lots of time to prepare the application.  [Hahaha, that's a joke.  The application is due September 15, which translated into "academic time" is basically tomorrow.]  I'm rounding up all sorts of information and writing like crazy.  I already arranged to take a required Spanish Language Evaluation (which went smoothly; it's now official that I speak Spanish well!).

As part of the evaluation, I read an essay about how cell phone use affects marriages and other relationships, and then wrote three different paragraph-long responses to questions about the reading.  One of the questions asked about whether I think my own cell phone use is distracting, and likewise for my family.  This tickled me:  every Sunday my phone tells me about my usage, or what other people would consider to be my lack thereof.  As an example, last week it told me my weekly usage was down one minute, and that during the previous week I'd averaged 5 minutes per day.  Sometimes when I'm using my timer and communicating with Xavier a lot, it'll climb dramatically to 11 minutes per day.  At any rate, I could honestly write that I am delighted when my family members use their phones for GPS or finding train or plane schedules, so that I don't have to deal with that kind of stuff myself.

It's not quite related, but this week I also managed to get my new debit card delivered.  I noticed in late July that my old card had expired in March.  Whoops!  It's totally a frugal-world problem that it took me three months to realize this.  I had to make a bunch of different phone calls to get the new one.  I tried the "lost or stolen" option on the telephone menu, but since the number on my old card was retired, they couldn't locate my account.  I finally reached the correct person at my bank who started clucking her tongue and talking about replacement fees, until she realized they'd mailed my husband his new card and checked "done", but hadn't actually mailed mine to me.  So, finally my new card has arrived; I've activated it (racking up another 30 seconds of phone use, just fyi), and now I'm all set to carry it around and ignore it for another year!

Right.  Moving houses, moving bodies, moving product, moving projects . . . and moving on from that, rumor has it that supposedly Inking traveled to New York with OfSnough where she supposedly got to see yet another Broadway show, possibly even Peter Pan Gone Wrong (but maybe that was another day.  shoot.  So hard to keep track).  Still, who would believe such a story without photographic evidence?  I didn't get any photos, so all of the above is still in the realm of theory and speculation.

And that's the news -- what I know of it -- of our family, which continues to be wealthy in our adventurous moves.  May you and yours be similarly prosperous.  


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Update, somewhere in January

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