Sunday, July 16, 2023

Update from the train home

Life continues to be rich and full here in Enoughsville.  I'm writing this update on an Acela train, heading back home after an Experi-cation (experimental vacation), visiting friends and family and summer camps.  It's been a series of many novelties and enjoyment, and also a lot of good feedback for me on how to plan for somewhat longer future trips.

We spent most of the time in New Hampshire, where my husband and I got to enjoy said friends and family and wonderful views, and where the mosquitos got to enjoy us.  The plusses of the trip were many.  I got to connect with old friends, and also to strengthen connections with acquaintances who I've been wanting to turn into friends. 

We're becoming peeps.

We also spent some awesome time with my Sister-in-Law and her husband.  Jean is convinced that she and her brother are turning into their parents.   At first I couldn't quite see it, but by the end of our time there I really did.

Brother and sister, looking good!
The sign behind them says "Fine Antiques".   No comment.

My step-daughters often gift me with their cast-off clothes, and Jean jumped into that family tradition: she loaded me down with clothes, and I was happy to add fancy wardrobe items (that match my color palette) to my suitcase (and my body!).  Thanks, Jean!

I totally love this dress,
especially with a mountain in the background.

Being at the camp in the woods was really good; I think it even helped a bit with the ear trouble I've been having.   It's been a long time since I got to go on rambles through the woods, and I had a good time exploring, climbing, and feeding the mosquitos.

I also got to swim across this lake to "Blueberry Island", where we had an all-natural snack and then swam back.  This made me nostalgic for visiting my sister, who also lives on a highly swimmable lake, and so it's now on my to-do list to schedule a time to visit her.  (Although I might not be able to get there in time for the swimming temps to be reasonable, at least not this summer).

What have I learned from this Experi-cation so far?  
  • The big plusses:
    Definitely, definitely I like visiting and being with people I know.   
    I surprised myself with how much I enjoyed the lake swim. 
    Amtrak is a great way to travel, where possible.   
    So glad I brought a puzzle book along. 
  • What to do differently
    bring a book to read aloud to my husband in the rental car,
    bring snacks to eat (I should have known that!),
    don't forget the EZ pass.
  • What I still struggle with:
    leaving the dog behind,
    pricey camps,
    pricey rental car,
    pricey food. 
    (And that "pricey" is of course relative to my incredible tightwad norms, but hey, they're my norms, hence my struggle). 
I might have left my dog behind (with a friend who loves dogs, so not all alone!), but Kinderling picked up a dog to make up for it.  She says,
She is hanging with us this weekend. We might have her for a couple of months as an arrangement with her owners. Its been fun having her, and A-child has met her match energy wise with this German shepherd/husky mix
Aowyn (Wynnie) :)

And Inkling, not to be outdone by last week's update from her older sister in the dancing department, says,
I went to an 80s theme dance tonight!. . .
Guess what song this was 😉😆

Nelson got it in one:  "Footloose".  Yeah, Fam!

And that's the news from our family, which continues to be delicious to discerning insect aviators.  May you and yours be similarly metaphorically delicious, but possibly in different ways.

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Update, somewhere in January

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