Life continues to be so rich and full that I'm kind of having a hard time remembering it all, so I'm going to work my way backwards this week, starting with what I did today -- the easiest to remember.
Today, I got to see Jason! I haven't seen this son of mine in person since Christmas 2019, and, man, have I missed him. So I was delighted that OfSnough and I could take an afternoon trip to visit Jason in the new apartment he'd just moved to last week.
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The black-and-white cat (Moo-Moo) and I hit it off especially well, for some reason. |
He has five cats which climbed all over me (by my invitation and encouragement). The apartment is bright and sunny, clean and quiet, and it seems like a happy place. Jason himself looks awesome; he's had the same job making and lifting pallets for a couple of years now, and it keeps him in kickin' shape.
I asked him, I dunno, about 85 times if there's anything he needs. He finally said, "yes, a hug". I had one of those to spare, it turns out. Good for the soul to see him!
Backing up one day, on Friday my guy came back from Miami, where he'd been hanging out with other science geeks thinking about the upcoming IEEE meeting. We continued the science geek theme by watching the first half of Star Wars III, which apparently we'd both missed out on seeing earlier. We're going to finish it tonight . . . I have a sneaking suspicion that something bad is going to happen to Anakin Skywalker, but don't ruin it for me!!!!!
So, that's Friday. The day before that, on Thursday, I had two different highlights. One was getting a CAT scan (my head is fine; the reason I still occasionally lisp is really truly only because I bit my tongue two weeks ago and not because of any more dire reason; and now it's official that it's only my tongue getting me in trouble per usual). The other highlight was getting to see a hilarious -- rollicking and awesome -- performance of The Play that Goes Wrong. My daughter Inkling sat next to me and noted that she actually heard me laughing out loud (I'm often jealous of other people's abilities to do so). Several times during the show, I wished that the actors would stop talking because I was laughing so hard I couldn't hear them. Wow, what a wonderful experience to have!
Way-back-when on Wednesday, I had some lovely phone conversations with Nelson. He was asking me for advice [quickest way to his mother's heart!!!] about rising early, and also sharing awesome news about how well things are going in his new place. There's a blood-sugar measurement that sounds a bit like a Star Wars Droid (A13PO, or something like that) that he's rocking these days, the best it's been in years. Perhaps that is because he's got stability in his new home, or perhaps that's because a few weeks ago he asked me for advice [happy sigh] about nutrition stuff and then followed up on my free-yet-excellent suggestions for cooking grilled veggies with parmesan cheese. At any rate, he's thriving, and that is making me super happy.
On Tuesday . . . let's see, on Tuesday I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the assignments my students keep giving me to grade (possibly related to me letting extra students into the class and then assigning lots and lots of work, but why point fingers?). I was also wondering why I was still sometimes slipping into lisping, and that's why Thursday I had someone examine my head.
On Monday, I got to spend the day at work and then managed to catch a few moments for conversation with my husband before he took off for Miami the next day.
And that's my week in reverse. Oh, and Anakin S. made totally the wrong choice in that movie, by the way. I think he needed to do a better job of getting advice from his mom.
At any rate, that's the news from our family, which continues to be wealthy in our adventures. May you and yours be similarly prosperous.
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