Life continues to be rich and full here in Enoughsville. This past weekend was family/alumni weekend at my college; between that and TWO theater events I went to, my weekend hours got gobbled up, so this will be a bit of a hasty, canned update.
Speaking of cans, here's our trash can at the curb. My guy took this photo and sent it to me, saying it feels like a scary photo. Scary, because Halloween and dark, but also because this is trash can #2 for 2022.
Ahhh! A garbage can at the curb!! |
Also scary: aliens abducting cows. Yes, we live in this kind of dangerous neighborhood.
Not really exploding, but it kind of looks like it. |
I also had some animal adventures last week. I went up to Rhinebeck (aka the New York Sheep and Wool Festival!) I saw sheep and goats and llamas and people and yarn! (I know that last thing isn't an animal, but it's *from* animals).
It was a fantastic trip!
I won't send you all the pictures, just the animals and one of my newly finished sweater. (Yay! I finished my Rhinebeck Sweater in time! And the weather was cool enough that I could wear it!)I had an absolute blast seeing friends and strangers and yarn celebrities!
Keeping an eye out for aliens who might abduct us. |
On Wednesday (before I left for Rhinebeck) I went to see Kinky Boots again. I sat in the front row and played one of my favorite games: Be The Most Excited Person in the Audience! It's like your airport game. The cast did notice and appreciate my energy, so that was a success!
Last but not least, a bit of cheerful mathematics, courtesy of a visit from Achild (who was one of my theater partners for one of my two shows this week).
And that's a very quick update (if you can even call it that) from our family, which continues to be wealthy in our adventures. May you and yours enjoy exploding fire trees, too.
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