Saturday, September 24, 2022

update, with delicious pirates

This past week I had two big events, and tonight I'm still catching up from them.   Event number one was, of course, the annual Pirate Dinner.  Ahoy there, mateys!
Bird's eye view of the Pirate Cake

It is a lot of fun to stop a passer-by to ask them to take a photo of a bunch of pirates.  Our photographer was on the phone with a friend: "Um, I'm taking a photo of some pirates".  [Us: this is because it's Talk Like a Pirate day".]  It is?  [Well, yesterday was.]  Is this just a holiday here, or is it an international holiday?  [Us:  International, surely].  dubiousness.
We were a motley crew. 

This turtle was not at our dinner. 
It was in San Diego with Gosling,
but the photo just happened to land here.

Did I mention we had a pirate cake?  We really loved how it turned out. 
OfSnough said that he didn't realize there were
ocean-going alligators.  If lego puts alligators with their 
pirates, though, it must be true.

Watch out for the shark!

We very much enjoy dressing the part.
Kinderling, only about 73 months pregnant by now, doesn't fit in her usual pirate regalia, so she dressed as a cannonball.  We love it!
With my extra shark paint, I made a shark bean-bag toss.  Several of the children let me know the shark bit their entire hand off.  (Don't worry!  We have pirate hooks!)

Inkling even dressed appropriately on the actual TLAP day, saying, "It's nice to have a shirt that works for pirate day and the yarn shop 🏴‍☠️  "


She has in general been having a great time wrapping multiple friends around three of her favorite activities: knitting circles, theater circles, and heading out to restaurants for fun food. She's now gotten her second booster.  The fancy kind.  

I also got to hear from Gosling, who sent turtle pictures with the explanation, 
At the San Diego aquarium, this sea turtle was rescued and had scoliosis and lane back legs, but it does very well at the aquarium in captivity 

That made me say, "wait!  You're in San Diego now?!?"   She responded, 
Just got in yesterday for the Miramar air show. Colin's brother Marty, full name Col. XXXXX, is the CO of marine corps air station (mcas) Miramar. We will be schluppin it in the commanders chalet to watch it tomorrow.

[Your sister] and [her husband] will be joining us for the air show tomorrow and we will be seeing Tasha today for lunch. 

'Snough, in an interesting turn of events, your sister will end up meeting Colin about 2 weeks before you.

I'm jealous.  

Oh, my second event (a party that had about 100 people there) went well, too!  But that's a school thing, so I'll let the students be the ones to write to friends and family about that. 

And that's the news from our family, who continue to shiver our timbers with the best of them.  May you and yours be likewise hearty mates. 


  1. That shark bean bag toss is GENIUS!! My friend had suggested bean bags for my next sewing project and I wonder if I have time to whip up enough of them for a Halloween game. Maybe, if I can, we'll do a ghost board...!

    1. I stole the idea from "Who Gives a Crap" (the toilet paper company). They used TP rolls instead of bean bags . . . so that's another idea if you don't have a lot of sewing time!


Update, somewhere in January

By now, I'm kind of losing track of which day is which . . . ironic, because of spending so much time on and off of train tracks.  So I&...