Wednesday, June 15, 2022

last week at 3:14: trail mix (and before that, Dog chauffeur)

Last Wednesday (the 8th) at 3:14, I was in-between meetings and tasks, and so I was snacking on the trail mix that I keep in my office. I bulk purchase supplies -- banana chips, cashews, raisins -- and make my own trail mix. I make a lot of it. I keep a gallon jug of this in my office, and now it’s nearly empty. This photo is from the mouth looking in to the jug. I guess I’ll need to bring some more in soon.

I also realized I forgot to post the previous week.  Wednesday the 1st, I was returning home from the vet with Prewash. 

Photo Re-enactment (when she rides in the car,
she wears a harness and gets buckled into a seatbelt that way).

It was a big car day for me, with 4 (four!) car trips in just one day: I took her to the vet in the morning and dropped her off there.  Later in the day I went for a yearly check-up of my own (all clear).  Then I picked Prewash up and drove her home.  

And then in the evening, I drove to visit a friend for dinner.  I think that's more car trips in one day than I took in all of May combined.  

p.s. Update:  she's now on a different antibiotic, because it turns out she's got "staff Aureus", resistant to penicillin.  Cross fingers that this clears everything up!

1 comment:

  1. Prewash looks very calm in the she is everywhere.


Update, somewhere in January

By now, I'm kind of losing track of which day is which . . . ironic, because of spending so much time on and off of train tracks.  So I...