Life continues to be rich and full here in Enoughsville. This is my birthday week; I have been telling friends that I am excited about this because I've never been 56 before, and now I am. And also: do you know how many famous people have been 56?!?
For my birthday, my guy brought me chocolate in bed this morning (which is, like, 56 times better than breakfast in bed)! Also, one of my students performed a concert on my birthday (not because it was my birthday, but I could pretend); he played his own compositions on the piano, and had other musicians play his orchestral compositions, and he conducted a group who was performing Strauss pieces. There were only about a dozen people in the audience, mostly sitting in the back, and I sat up close and center, so it was like he was performing a concert just for me. A lovely gift, really.
On the topic of health and illness, it was two years ago that we were reading news articles about the importance of good hand washing and of Not Touching Your Face (combined with lots of descriptions of how we all Touch our Faces all-the-heck-time anyway). I know the hand washing emphasis has faded in deference to other ways of mitigating disease spread, but I just want to say that the Scary Doorknob is still reminding people who enter my home about manual spread of germs. I've grown quite fond of Scary Doorknob, actually. I am also very, VERY happy that the mortality rate in my city has dropped to near zero in recent weeks.
OfSnough is working safety from a different angle. He's been volunteering with Ukraine relief efforts. Today he worked with a small group (8 Ukrainians and 2 bicyclists, he says) to assemble 1000 first aid kits to send eastward. Tomorrow, he'll head to a rally at the Lincoln Memorial. He'll be a day late to do the half Marathon, but I hope that in the long slog, his efforts will lead to a good finish anyway.
My college is off spring break, and I'm back in full swing in terms of deaning. I am starting, finally, to feel like I actually know a bit of what I'm doing. It is good to feel like I can be effective.
And that's the news from my little corner of the world, where we continue to be rich in our adventures. May you and yours be similarly prosperous.
Happy belated birthday!